
  • I. М. Tsarenkova Belarusian State University of Transport, Білорусь
  • N. S. Zharin Belarusian State University of Transport, Білорусь


Ключові слова:

road construction, logistics system, return material flow, reverse logistics, supply objectives, production waste


The environmental safety of modern  society reaches a critical level, which  leads to the transition to the concept of a green economy. The problems of implementing green logistics and  recycling in the flow processes in  various sectors of the economy are of  particular relevance. Road  infrastructure is the most important  infrastructure component of the transport complex, ensuring a  balanced economic growth of the state. The article presents the results of  research on the application of the  logistics approach to the economic development of the road sector in the  field of improving the management of  industry flow processes. The features of reverse logistics in the road sector and the structure of return material flows are highlighted. Their  classification on the basis of origin has been clarified. The feasibility of involving waste in road construction processes was evaluated. The possibilities of using industrial waste in road construction are analyzed, and options for the formation of return material flows within the objects of work production within the boundaries of the micrologistic system of road construction are proposed. The results obtained allowed us to develop the theory of reverse logistics in the road sector, as well as to develop a system of scientific and practical  ecommendations for improving the recycling flow processes based on the formation of return material flows. Greater involvement of recycling processes in road construction, including through the use of innovative technologies, will reduce the estimated cost of construction by using cheap production waste and optimizing the transport component, preserve and, in some cases, improve the quality and durability of road structures, as well as improve the environmental situation.

Біографії авторів

I. М. Tsarenkova , Belarusian State University of Transport

Ph. D. (Economy), associate professor

N. S. Zharin, Belarusian State University of Transport



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