DOI:Ключові слова:
road infrastructure, road construction, classification, modernization, reconstructionАнотація
The economic development of the road sector is based on qualitative changes in the condition of roads, leading to their reliable operation, the growth of markets for road construction and road transport services. The widespread use of innovative digital products has caused the urgent need to "upgrade" the roads not only in the field of design and technological solutions, but above all in the intellectual sphere of their use as a strategic resource that provides road users with such infrastructural conditions which would promote, on a par with the technical condition, the economic efficiency of transport and logistics activities in the economy. The key driver of economic development of road economy is the management of transport and operational conditions of roads which combines the traditional mechanism of ensuring their functioning with modern information and communication, technical and technological means in the service of transport-port flows. The article pays special attention to a fundamentally new vector of development of road infrastructure by carrying out a set of activities that fall under the term "modernization of roads. Such projects are focused on creating an active roadside environment, which, based on modern information technology, allows monitoring and managing the traffic of vehicles and transported goods along the entire route, as well as contributing to the maximum efficient use of drivers' and passengers' time. The advantage of this approach is that the object of regulation is not the specific values of the parameters of economic development, but the infrastructure conditions, the change in which causes a response of road users and creates the basis for the increase in economic performance of the subjects of economic relations.
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