DOI:Ключові слова:
railway transport enterprises, innovations, innovative activity, strategic management, mechanism, value approachАнотація
In the conditions of high instability and rapidity of changes, which are characteristic of the modern stage of management, the activation of innovative activities of railway transport enterprises requires the systematic application of such effective strategic management tools as the mechanism of formation of favorable behavior, involvement of stakeholders and mobilization of resources to stimulate innovative transformations in the railway industry. Taking into account the conditions of operation of railway transport enterprises and the tasks of their innovative activities, as well as taking into account the positive experience gained in the organization of innovation processes, it was concluded that the basis for creating an effective mechanism of strategic management of innovative activities of railway transport enterprises should be a combination of different approaches, namely system-dynamic, process, functional and value approaches. A distinctive feature of the mechanism of strategic management of innovative activities of railway transport enterprises is the consideration of the innovation ecosystem as a management entity, which is a set of organizations that work together to achieve a common vision of innovative development and includes business entities, their relationships and the innovation environment. The spread of the value approach in the organization of innovative activities was noted, which is important for companies in the railway industry due to the social significance of their innovative projects. Attention is drawn to the fact that the valuable model of management activity is aimed at forming the general usefulness of innovations of railway industry enterprises and other participants of the innovation ecosystem in the process of managing their partner communication, which is ensured by building an adaptive configuration of the innovation ecosystem at the stages of its life cycle (initiator, accelerator, concept, pilot, project, scale).
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