DOI:Ключові слова:
railway transport enterprises, development priorities, development strategy, digitalization, digital platforms, eco-environment, economic developmentАнотація
The article establishes that in order to ensure the economic growth of railway transport enterprises of Ukraine, it is advisable to implement a system of strategic measures that will contribute to the maximum use of the advantages of digitalization and minimize the negative phenomena associated with the development of the information society. It has been proven that in order to ensure the process of digitization of railway transport enterprises of Ukraine and preserve their competitiveness both in the domestic market and in the international arena, it is necessary to focus first of all on the development of the ecosystem system of railway transport enterprises. As priority directions activities of railway enterprises transport, which will become the basis for economic growth at the expense of use of digital technologies, should consider. Development of customer service on based on the use of digital communication channels (tools analytics, scoring, variability, adaptability, forecast) to attract and customer retention, formation positive image. Strengthening partnership relations on the basis of digital platforms – applications techniques of non-standard solutions in transport business, holding applied research and the search for new ones business solutions based on collaboration. Consideration of partnership relations as a basis scaling of transport business. Building forecasts based on Big Data - search and testing of new directions development of transport business at the expense of data enrichment and implementation innovative technologies, modeling consumer behavior and processes. Implementation of personnel strategies, which consist in a constant increase qualifications of employees regarding formation competencies for digital needs railway transport. Summarizing all of the above, it must be borne in mind that from the point of view development of railway enterprises digitalization of transport is quite important, however, it is necessary to assess the shortcomings and threats, i.e. constantly develop systems of appropriate strategic measures should be constantly developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the state donation of railway transport enterprises.
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