
  • В. О. Задоя Ukrainian State University of Science and technology, Україна


Ключові слова:

digitalization, marketing management, railway transport, development, congruent approach, conceptual provisions


The article proves that digitalization is now a key mega-trend that determines the development of enterprises, industries and national economies of the world. Digital transformations continue, which radically changes not only the external and internal business processes of railway transport, but also the consciousness and preferences of consumers of transport and logistics services, complicates the operating conditions of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" and requires rapid adaptation to the transformed environment. It will prove that in these conditions, marketing management should be considered a key element in the process of ensuring the development of railway transport. In order to overcome the current problems of railway transport, changes in each element of the Marketing Management System (general economic, marketing, managerial) were studied. We will especially focus on the latest trends in marketing communications that have emerged under the influence of environmental transformations. Based on the research of recent publications on this topic, we identified areas that will be relevant in the coming years in Ukraine and in the world. They are: data-based communication management( big date); continuous segmentation of consumers and the market; omni-channel; event virtualization; marketing technologies (Martech); request for business trust; streaming shopping; social responsibility; experimental marketing; maximum consistency of actions of marketing and sales teams. It is established that under the influence of digitalization, a personified transformation of individual elements of marketing management of railway transport is currently taking place, which created the basis for solving local problems, but this did not allow for positive changes in the entire railway transport economy. Haphazard, isolated, and sometimes contradictory management actions within the components of marketing management have created a significant obstacle to the formation of competitive railway transport that is not able to provide positive changes in the national economy. It is proved that the congruent approach can be the basis for overcoming these negative trends. It will allow us to form a fundamentally new conceptual field for the formation and implementation of the sectoral policy for the development of railway transport in Ukraine. Conceptual provisions for applying a congruent approach to marketing management of railway transport development are proposed.

Біографія автора

В. О. Задоя, Ukrainian State University of Science and technology

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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