https://doi.org/10.18664/338.47:338.45.v0i55.83469Ключові слова:
регіональна безпека, процес глобалізації, нерівномірний економічний розвиток, “пастки розвитку”, “бідний мільярд”.Анотація
In the era of globalization all the countries worldwide take their own place in the global holistic organism. First of all, they can manage it via the system of regional cooperation (providing common security, trade policy etc.) that will further draw up the
world’s union. But it is almost impossible to implement if some regions are not engaged in
cooperation. One the this regions is Central Africa that is dealt with wars, coups, mortality
and malnutrition that aren’t facilitating the common regional security.
In the article authors are trying to estimate the condition of regional safety in Central Africa, finding out reasons and explaining the challenges needed to be solved to harmonize regional security policy
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